Myriad Books

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Myriad Books

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Myriad Book Details

book cover

Times Past: Great Cities Sheffield
Photographs and text: Sheffield Archives & Local Studies Library/Melvyn Jones
Retail Price: £4.99
Hardback 32 pages : no. of photographs: approx 120
Size: 300mm x 260mm (11.8ins x 10.2ins)
ISBN: 1904736734

A photographic record of South Yorkshire's vibrant city. It looks at the changes that have taken place from Victorian times to the 50s. There are sections on the history of steel and cutlery-making, the city at leisure, transport, Sheffield at war, and its unique and beautiful parks and gardens. Written by local historian and BBC Radio Sheffield's "History Man" Melvyn Jones, the books is sure to delight Sheffield folk far and wide.

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Images from the book

Images from the book

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